Asalto Producciones
Hello to all the walkers and lovers of the streets, we are Asalto Producciones. Four thinking  heads that have been carrying out the ASALTO in Zaragoza for more than 6 years now. The Assault is an International Festival of Urban Art held since 2005 that floods the streets of the old town of Zaragoza for...

Ramón Parramón
Ramon Parramón. Barcelona. Director of masters and master degrees and co-director of Design and Public Space in Elisava / Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Director of Idensitat, a program that calls project to promote interventions and debates in the field of creation linked to public space. He also runs ACVIC, a contemporary art center in Vic, Barcelona....

Difusor is a Barcelona based urban art collective. Our main area of work is related with communication in the public space, precisely with graphical tools. We run projects, develop actions and interventionts that aim to focus in the collective subconscious to question what is considered public space, a place considered public but nevertheless more and...

The G. Canyon
The G. Canyon in a Crack investigates over small pieces of green design for our cities, valuable street art, installations and interventions in urban contexts. The G. Canyon in a Crack uses its instruments to work in the context of the city, performing researches on what is already present rather than creating what lacks. The...

Self taught. I started playing with paint on the streets in 1993, with 10 years, but it was not until 1995 that I managed to collect enough money to make my first wall. Since then, I feel that I have not stopped evolving, trying new techniques, exploring concepts, and even today still studying and learning...

Marcus Willcocks
Marcus Willcocks is a Research Fellow with Design Against Crime Research Centre, where he has been involved since it started in 1999. He holds a has a Master’s degree in Design and Public Space (2005) from Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny, Barcelona and a BA (Hons) Product Design (2000) from Central Saint Martins College of...

Laura Fusté
Graffiti is a consolidated phenomena, but also of great concern to the citizenry, who lives this as an act of vandalism that dirties the public and private spaces of the city. Aqui pots! is a project of the City of Terrassa which began in 2007 to have spaces in the city for graffiti-free carrying. Their...

Martina MillÃ
Martina Millà in charge of Programs and Projects at Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, where curated Murals show (2010). Her academic background is in Art History and 20th Century Architecture, with a Degree at the University of Barcelona, a Masters Degree at Institute of Fine Arts (NYU) and a PhD at Emory University (Atlanta). http://fundaciomiro-bcn.org/...

Todd Bressi
TODD W. BRESSI is a city designer based in Philadelphia, USA. He works with arts organizations across the US and Canada to develop public art strategies and manage projects. He is a special advisor to the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, where he works as a curator, planner, and manager for long-range projects. He has recruited...

Laboratori Visual
Laboratori Visual is a non-profit organization that was officially born in late 2008. Mentality characterized by a constant laboratory (research work, testing …), there are several projects that live under its protection: PAM, TOC, DOM … Display present in OWC, street art exhibitions, a series of representative examples of the emerging languages ​​of urban culture...

Persianes Lliures
Persianes Lliures is a platform that seeks to free public spaces to give them an exhibition use, this initiative is open to everyone, and tries to facilitate the free access to art with a philosophy of continuous renewal, updating every so often blinds that have been painted. They are citizens or entities that let neighborhood...

KOGNITIF is a platform for creators and professionals working on generate contents in public space through cultural, social and artistic projects. The use of art and culture as a vehicle of social transformation is one of the main objectives of the platform. Sara Compte and Arcadi Poch are ideologues, creators of the project. Kognitif raises...

Thomas Schmitt
Thomas Louis Jacques Schmitt (aka Thom Thom) is a urban artivist active in Paris since 2000. Using the situationist technics (especially détournement) he hijacks advertiding billboard, jamming the consumerism slogans with only a stanley knife and sometimes a little glue. After his encounter with Jean Faucheur, they have founded the parisian based association le MUR...

Mario Granados
Mario Granados Programs & Services Principal. Iniciatives i Programes SL His professional career over 20 years entered the world of music, but soon would manage activity spaces and socio-cultural creativity. Most of these specialized areas of youth policy. This puts him in touch (among other activities) with the world of graffiti, street art or how...

Pau Faus
Barcelona, 1974. Architect and visual artist. Everydayness and autonomous practices of contemporay cities explorer. With his projects tries to activate representation, narration and interaction mechanisms that make particularities and conflicts come to daylight where they are. Most of his works are developed in siti in collaboration with other architects, photographers, anthropologists and visual and performance...

Devon Ostrom
Devon holds an MA in curating from Goldsmiths, and has graduated from programs in Non-profit as well as HR management from Ryerson. Greatest hits include the HYPE series at the AGO, a mural and research project at Kingston Penitentiary, and Canada’s first major exhibition of street art (held at the ROM). His curatorial record also...

Javier Abarca
The influential role of Javier Abarca (Madrid, 1973) in the urban art scene goes back to the eighties. Since mid 2000, is devoted exclusively to research and divulgation of urban art. He runs since 2006 a monographic art course on urban in the Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University Complutense of Madrid. Maintains Urbanario,...

Pedro Soares Neves
1976, Lisbon. Multidisciplinary and post graduate academic training in design and architecture. Specialized in participatory methodologies and informal and spontaneous pictorial appropriation of public space (eg, Graffiti). PhD in Architecture at Engineering Institute of Lisbon, lecturer and urban designer / consultant at metropolitan (eg: road infrastructure IC19, 17) and municipal scale (eg, project CRONO), responsible...

1978, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lives and works in Barcelona. Visual Artists. His first contact with street culture is skateboarding, and after, through graffiti. Highly influenced by Punk movement and “D.I.Y†culture, he starts as autodidact and later studies at La Llotja art school in Barcelona, obtaining a Senior Degree in Plastic Arts and Design. Active...

Re:farm the city
Re:farm the city developes open tools for urban farmers and dedicates itself in providing people with tools for easily create, manage and visualize their urban farms. Bringing rhythms of nature, her diversity, richness and complexity to citizens. Creating social networks, software and hardware to help the production, share and consumption of products produced locally. Re:farm...

Las Coleccionistas / Casa V
Obert Camp is a project organized by Las Coleccionistas and Casa V by a shared interest to push the respective disciplines into a collaborative and contextual dimension in the territory and social relations, reviewing the traditional role of art and the urbanism. http://campobert.wordpress.com/